New Art Project Presented on Snapchat
On 15th of July 2016 I will begin a new art project about friendship and loss, performed on the social media platform Snapchat. Each day I spend in my native Estonia I will share a video on my Snapchat Story, which in the end will form a 10 minute long video chain…

Go see for yourself: ladies in Yokohama
I am not yet sure what the finished version of this will look like but I thought it would be interesting to share an intermediate phase that will almost certainly be discarded never to be seen again. These two Japanese ladies were photographed at Yokohama Chinatown. It was a hot sunny day and I stopped at a shaded gazebo for a rest.

Video: How a photo becomes a drawing
I haven't made any videos in so long so I'm really happy to share this one with you. It walks you through my drawing process from the source image (photo) to the very final version.

How to get art on a wall before it's even finished
I have been doing the last finishing touches on some new drawings and decided I needed to take a step back and see what they will look like as a finished object. But printing out a proof in the size I want would be rather costly, especially since ideally these drawings should be mounted on…

Is it a photo? Is it a drawing? It's a photo-drawing!
Here is something new I made as an experiment, I call them photo-drawings. There was an open call for an exhibition in Romania titled "A Photo from Oz" and I really wanted to participate seen as I have spent quite a lot of time in Australia and should therefore have some decent photographs from the place.

Wall Drawing Process
Here is a time-lapse of the wall drawing progress for my solo show in Rundum Artist-Run Space in Tallinn. It is a drawing of the Sea Shepherd ship M/V Bob Barker based on…

How I Found My Visual Handwriting
When I was studying art in high school I could not comprehend why one teacher never seemed to be satisfied with my portrait drawings. I was able to achieve such great resemblance with the subject through…

First sneak peak of the new light box series!
Here is a sneaky-peaky of one of my light boxes (with Tallinn city lights in the background)! This one is called "Big Glove", it is part of a series of light box drawings entitled "Ship Life" that retrace moments of my time spent onboard…

graphic tablet or pen and paper..?
As promised in my last post: here is a comparison of two similar drawings. The one on the left was done using a graphic tablet and the one on the right…

Tools Of The Trade
I used to do all of my drawing the classical way - using pen and paper. Sometimes I would add some color with felt pens and then scan the image to expand its potential uses. Which is part of the reason why…