Video: The Long Journey To Fiji
I will probably kill my limited internet data plan by posting this but thought I'd share this shaky little video of my long journey from Tallinn to Fiji.
The morning of my departure day I was woken up by a text message from Finnair saying my flight was "considerably delayed", which meant it would leave 8 hours later than planned. This would have screwed up my entire itinerary from beginning to end. Luckily they found me a different flight, directly from Tallinn via Helsinki, London and Hong Kong to Nadi (what a carbon disaster!!) and I made it to Fiji in time for my last flight to Taveuni Island.
Once I got to Fiji I discovered (without great surprise) that my luggage had been lost. Since I was flying onwards this was not such great news. But thanks to unbelievable efficiency and a bit of mad luck my suitcase arrived to Nadi well before my connecting flight.
After landing at my final destination I was immediately taken on a little trek through the bush. It was quite comical because usually when people get picked up from the airport they just pop their trunk in the back of a taxi and that's that. Instead we carted my suitcase along the road and then through a bit of jungle to the beach.
The song used in the video is "Dirty Paws" by Of Monsters And Men, which is one of my current favorite songs to get into the spirit of adventure. In case you are new here and don't know why I have undertaken this journey please read my story about why art and travel is the answer to everything.
Where is your ideal adventure destination? Tell me in a comment below!